Content Creator, Workplace Advocate, Speaker, and Critic.

My resume looks amazing on paper. On LinkedIn. And it’s not even half of the story. Navigating the workplace after economic depressions, academic collapse, and a never-ending war means I’ve consumed a ton of content to figure this all out. And I’ve got a lot to say about it. My degrees may be collecting dust somewhere, but my opinions come educated and informed. The purpose of this website is to carve out my own space to share a little bit more about my opinions on politics, pop culture, and more. When you sit at the intersections of Race, Ability, Sex, on the highway of Millennial Way a “unique perspective” is putting it lightly.

As any self-respecting Senior Millennial, I’ve been around the social media block for a while. My favorite platform has been Twitter, and I’ve had a ton of aliases. Since my cover has been blown, it’s time to put a real name to your favorite tweeter’s favorite tweeter. I really should just have an entire webpage dedicated to all my aliases… But you probably know me best as LaBlaq.

Work With Me

Let’s make things happen! You bring the platform; I’ll bring the talent. I will work hand in hand with you. One session, tons of impact.

Read The Blog

As if Twitter’s 140 or 280 or whatever the current word count is, is enough for me to get all these words out.

Shop The Shop

Because at some point you’re going to log off and I want to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Let’s shop!