
Reference Check


Today’s word is brought to you by the letter “R” for the word “references”. January is one of the busiest months for hiring. Especially, the middle of January when the last of the decision-making, stragglers have returned from winter vacation. If you are currently job hunting please do me a favor and check your references. […]

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New Year, new business?


Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2020? I seriously love this time of year. It feels like the perfect time for a fresh start. Especially, since it’s the top of a brand new decade. The new year is the time new businesses start or roll out new products. And as someone who is all […]

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Hiring A Minority? You may not be ready.


    Congratulations! You are hiring a minority for your organization. You totally deserve an award.   Before you send that employment agreement, be sure you are ready to handle the responsiblity of hiring a minority.   Here are 5 things to watch out for if you are hiring a minority for your organization: 1. […]

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